
New Chapters

I'm a terrible blogger!  But it will be impossible to catch up on everything over the last couple of years.  I like having this here for posterity and all.  And it's faster than writing.  The best thing that has happened is that I have a new baby boy.  I never thought it would happen, but on July 11th, 2014, Kaitlin gave birth to our son Lukas Exeter Bradbury.  He has been a wonderful addition to our family and we strongly feel that our family is complete and we are not planning on having any more children.  Kind of sad in a way, but a huge relief too.  We have as much on our plates as we can handle.  Totally maxed out.

Lukas is a strong lad, and big.  He was born 9lbs 15oz, and has remained large through his development.  I guess that's what you get when you are constantly eating.  He is 8 months old as of this writing and in fact, just today he cut his first tooth.  Pretty exciting stuff.  Because he is constantly eating he is also constantly spitting up.  It has slowed down considerably in the last couple of months, but he spits up far more than our other children did.

So, what's been going on lately?  Well for the last few weeks I have been participating in the CrossFit Games Open, which is a lot of fun.  This will be my third year participating in this event.  In the past, those of us participating would head up to CrossFit Cache Valley and perform the weekly workouts there to have them validated through their affiliate.  This year we have been filming our workouts and posting the videos to validate our scores.  Since I have all the videos on You Tube now, I can link to them here.   Better yet, I can link to my athlete profile where you can click on the video for each of my workouts and see my score and ranking so far.


I usually place around 2000th in the region.  I really want to improve on that this year and get down closer to 1500th.  So far I'm doing OK.  I just need to have a couple more good workouts and I should end up where I want to.  I keep a separate fitness journal with my workouts and progress, so I do not have to be exhaustive about it here.

I think that's enough for one day.