
We had a fun day today.  Kaitlin worked this morning, so I took the girls fishing.  We walked up to Mayor's Pond.  That's a long walk for 5 and 3-year-old girls.  We got in about an hour of fishing.  No bites.  We were using salmon eggs with bobbers.  Klowi spent most of her time chasing butterflies, and Sofi spent most of her time getting muddy and tangling up the lines for me.  It's to be expected.  No one got hurt, and we made it back ok, so all in all it was a good time.  Next time, I'll drive.

We had a great nap after lunch.  My hike with the scouts was cancelled, so I took Klowi with me to the crossfit gym for a workout.  While I did the workout, she built a fort out of medicine balls in the corner.

Run 200m with a medball
Do 50 Thrusters
Everytime you put down the bar, do a 200m run with the medball.

I broke up my thrusters to 2 sets of 15, and 2 sets of 10

After the workout, I got cleaned up and took all my girls out for a date.  We hit the fish farm in North Ogden, since we didn't catch any earlier in the day, then went to Golden Corral for dinner.  I wish I had gotten pictures of the girls after eating dessert.  Their faces were covered in chocolate from the chocolate fountain after eating dipped marshmallows and strawberries.


New Designs

Just having fun making some new designs. Box Elder Elite Fitness is run by Jesse Roberts, who I went to high school with.  He runs crossfit-style fitness classes out of his garage.  He has a great blog where he posts his workouts and thoughts on fitness.  beelitefitness.blogspot.com

It also happens that I work at the hospital with his wife (Erin) and brother-in-law (Gil).

Vote for your favorite in the comments.  Happy to get feedback.  I'm just throwing stuff out.  I have no idea what will be liked the best.  I think my personal favorite is the third one, but that's just me.