

I've decided that my first post will be about my fitness goals. Fitness is important to me. I am not as fit as I would like to be, but I do try to exercise and be active when I can. I have always held the belief that our body is a temple. I believe it is my responsibility to take good care of my body. Do I take as good of care of my body as I should? Probably not, but I would say that I do ok most of the time. I admit I have a love of certain foods, and at times I go a bit nuts pigging out on good foods (oreos, chocolate chip cookies, and ice cream mostly). I think this is ok on occassion, but not ok to make it a regular occurance.

When it comes to my fitness goals, I made a goal a few years ago to be in the best shape of my life by the time I turn 30. When I made that goal at the age of 27 I weighed in at 206 lbs. That was the heaviest I had ever been up to that point. Since that time I have lost almost 30lbs. I've been weighing in at just under 180. I was doing pretty good with my goal until a stress fracture in my leg kept me from running, or any other exercise that would put stress on my legs. I am just starting back into running now. I think it would be pretty cool to run a marathon someday. I will for sure do at least a half marathon.

I think the ideal fitness regime is Crossfit. Gil Hollingsworth, a friend of mine from work, has introduced me to it. I cannot afford a membership for a crossfit gym, or the time to go back and forth to one. Instead I invent little crossfit style workouts that I can do at home. The only equipment I have is a pullup bar and some dumbells. I have plans to build boxes for box jumps someday.

My workout today was 10 sets of:
10 pushups
10 airsquats
4 pullups

I should have timed myself so I could measure progress later on, but I didn't. The workout went pretty good except for the last couple sets of pullups were a struggle. I scared my youngest daughter Sofi to death as I grunted through them. She had this scared look on her face watching me, and then as I really went for the last rep with everything I had she started crying and ran off.

Usually she likes me to hold her during my air squats too. So I guess they're not really air squats, they're Sofi squats. She also likes to sit on my back when I do pushups, but she didn't do that today.

A few hours after my workout I noticed my elbow was sore. Kaitlin says I was hitting it against the door frame on the last few reps when I struggled to get my chin over the bar. I didn't notice it at the time.

Tomorrow the plan is to kill my abs with some Ab Ripper X from the P90X program, and then hit the treadmill for a couple miles.

If I ever get around to it, I'll post some pics of my before shots, and how I'm looking more recently. We'll see if it's too embarassing or not.

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