
Got Milk?

Today was a rest day.  No workout today.  It's a good thing, because I'm pretty darn sore from this week.

Since I am resting, it's a good time to write about something that's been on my mind of late.  Is milk good for you or bad?  I love to drink milk.  I drink it everyday.  I have had several people tell me that milk is bad for me though, so I have to wonder why?  I have been delving into the issue and found several arguments for both sides.  Some saying how terrible milk is and how bad it is for you, and others saying it's just fine and that people thrive on milk.  So what is the truth?!  How can I sort through the mists of confusion?

I think I'll go find a grove of trees somewhere and pray about it...   Hey you never know...

But I am not fully convinced of the negative arguments.  Most of them can either be easily refuted, or they just plain don't make sense to me in terms of human physiology (based on my limited understanding).  I have decided to ask one of the fittest dudes I know what his opinion is.  Gil is always up on this kind of thing and always eats for good performance since he's a competitive Crossfitter.

Gil drinks a lot of milk.  He especially likes whole milk which he says is great for building strength.  He does not put much stock in the negative claims against milk, particularly in the claim that milk actually weakens your bones by drawing calcium out to neutralize your pH levels as a result of the protein intake (which doesn't make any sense to me, but I haven't looked at the actual science behind that claim).  He thinks that if you are doing weight bearing exercise, that you will still build bone density and not lose any.

In addition to Gil drinking lots of milk and being way tougher and more fit than I'll ever be, he also referenced that Rich Froning drinks tons of milk.  That pretty much ends the argument right there.  Enough said about that.  I'm a "by their fruits ye shall know them" kind of guy, and there isn't better proof than the fittest man on earth - three years running.

Well, I think I'll enjoy the rest of my Rest day with a nice tall glass of milk.


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