
New Levels of Sore

I am sore today in places I've never been sore.  Last night for our scouting activity we took a little trip to the pool for some swimming.  We are incorporating swimming into our training for a triathlon.  I can swim, but I'm no swimmer.  I usually avoid a lot of swimming, because I'm not that good at it.

At first we just goofed off on the diving boards, and we were taught some basic pool entries from the side of the pool. Then we were told to tread water for as long as we could.  I figured I'd last about 5 minutes and I'd be done.  Heck I was tired after two.  But we all just kept on going.  After a while it didn't seem so bad and I felt like I could keep going a while.  Eventually we reached 15 minutes, and then we called it good.  I didn't think I would be able to tread for that long.  I was pretty worn out, but we weren't done.  We swam several laps working on different strokes.  That really gassed me out.

Today I am super sore in my legs.  Especially my calves and butt.  I think I will have to add some swimming into my regular routine.  I can see it doing great things to increase my base of fitness.

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