
Small Logjam

Well, it's been a few days now since I recorded my workouts, so I have a little catching up to do.

5 rounds of:
400 M run
10 front squats (135 lbs)
10 burpees

My time:  18:45 ?give or take a few seconds?

The goal was to go unbroken on all the sets, which I mostly did except my 4th round of front squats.  I had a little mental breakdown and dropped the bar after the 6th rep.  I feel I made up for this by doing the last round unbroken.  And I was ok with my time.

12 minute AMRAP
11 pullups
13 wallballs
15 kettlebell swings

My score: 5 rounds + 3 reps

I got really sluggish the last 2 rounds.  I was hoping to get through 6 rounds, but I just gassed out.  I did all the sets unbroken except for the last to rounds of pullups, I had to break them up.

Also, we had a pullup bar in the lab that I brought in for the nightshift guy to use, but it was still up in the morning so I ended up doing about 100 pullups between the workout and small sets at work each time I went to the breakroom.

Run 800 M
20 hspu
20 kettlebell snatch each arm (50 lb)
100 situps
run 800 M

My time: 16:46

I felt good about this one. I wasn't as fast as some people, but I was going full range on my hspu.  I did the workout Rx, which is always nice.

Since I did a boatload of pullups yesterday, I decided to to a truckload of pushups today.  I planned to do 10 sets of 20 pushups throughout the day.  Almost done, just three more sets to go.  I would like to make it so that pushups and pullups are a strength for me in workouts.

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